Spirulina is an algae, and one of the most complete foods on the planet. It is well known for its huge antioxidant content, but is also a rich source of protein. This protein is abundant in all nine of the essential amino acids (those we cannot make for ourselves and so have to obtain from food). Spirulina also provides several highly-concentrated vitamins and minerals. Centuries ago the Aztec civilisation cultivated it as a staple food, and today it is regarded as central to some Asian diets. Although it can grow in natural conditions, most Spirulina today is produced commercially.

Spirulina replicates itself by photosynthesis, extracting energy from light. The product of this is chlorophyll, the substance that makes plants green. Another pigment in Spirulina is Phycocyanin. The protein content of Spirulina makes it popular with people following fitness regimes. Of equal value is the vitamins it provides. It is rich in Vitamin A and has more Vitamin B1 than cows’ milk. It contains Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6 and B9 (folic acid). Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Vitamin E are also provided, plus Calcium and Iron. Spirulina is much-used by people undergoing detoxification programmes.

Rainforest Foods Spirulina is grown organically on an island in the South China Sea. Production starts with batches cultivated in a laboratory, which are grown on by photosynthesis in cultivation ponds containing filtered natural water. Once it has reached the required density the Spirulina is harvested, then dried using a process of spray evaporation to create a powder while losing virtually none of the nutritional value.

– 100% organic Spirulina Powder
– certified product
– suitables for Vegans

Suggested Use:

We recommend that you take 6 tablets once a day. It should ideally be taken in two or three servings 30 minutes before meals. Store your Spirulina in a cool, dry place.

Weight 150 g
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